the keeling mangrove collection project
Sealand International presents the KEELING Spring Summer 2025 collection, the Mangrove Collection. This collection is inspired by the ripples of sea waves and shells and each piece is inspired by nature, featuring colors borrowed from water and the jungle.
KEELING wants to tell a collection full of light and hope, which is inspired by the healing and uplifting energy we experience at the seaside and in the wild environment. The styles feature textures from the ocean and rainforest, along with diverse natural accents, empowering sustainable dyeing technologies and recycled materials that are kind to both the planet and the wearer’s skin.

why the mangrove?
Mangroves protect both the saltwater and freshwater ecosystems on which they occur. The complex root systems of mangroves filter the nitrates and phosphates that rivers and streams carry towards the sea. They also prevent sea water from invading internal waterways.
Although mangrove forests are at risk, due to human activities, global warming or water degradation, they are one of the most efficient ecosystems capable of contributing to the achievement of numerous sustainable development goals. Mangrove forests provide a sustainable habitat for a multitude of fish and shellfish species.
Mangroves can provide food sources, support aquatic habitats, and host populations of shellfish and fish that are important and sustainable sources of protein. Their roots are able to filter nitrates, phosphates and other pollutants from the water, improving the quality of water flowing from the inland into the estuarine environment.
Mangroves for Coastal Biodiversity
We are proudly partners of a project planting new mangroves on Guatemala’s ocean coasts to restore the marine biodiversity that local communities depend on which by January ’25 has reached following goals:
- 30K Trees planted
- 4M kg of CO2 absorbed
- 30 Families supported
- 24K m2 reforested
- 4 Species planted

Our project: coastal resistance
In Guatemala we recreate mangrove forests by directly involving Guatemalan communities that live in close contact with the sea, providing them with training courses so that they can take care of it and protect this ecosystem.
Mangroves can live even in a lack of oxygen and on soils that are not rich in nutrients. In our projects we select mangroves of the Conocarpus erectus species, capable of surviving in particularly difficult habitats. They are resistant forests that in turn create environmental and social resistance.

Social impact
Planting Mangroves means recreating the habitat suitable for hosting marine species that are essential for the livelihood of communities, generating local economy, through ecological tourism and sustainable fishing.
We actively involve five Guatemalan coastal communities in the south of the country: Mangales, Tahuexco, El Triunfo, Chicago and Churirin. Healthy mangroves protect the coasts, reduce the risk of erosion and act as a natural filter for water.
Planting Mangroves also means defending the coasts from extreme weather events, a healthy mangrove reduces, for example, the effects of a tsunami by 90%.

Interactive map
Click the map on the right to track at any time the updates and growing of the project we are partners of by monitoring the real time reforestation involving five Guatemalan coastal communities in the South of the country: the Mangales, Tahuexco, El Triunfo, Chicagoes, and Churirin
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The B Corp Certified project
Is a certified B Corp benefit company that develops natural solutions to address climate change, protect ecosystems, and support underprivileged communities. They reforest where there is a real need and support rural families to envision a more dignified future; a future where they don’t have to fight against the expropriation of their own land and where they can apply easy and functional solutions to mitigate the climate crisis.
ZEROCO2 believes in a responsible and equitable future for humans and the environment, with no prevarication of the strongest against the weakest. That’s why ZEROCO2 works to recreate stable ecosystems in harmony with the plants, animals, and the people who inhabit them. ZEROCO2 helps reframing sustainability goals by actively working for the future of the planet. This is not just their goal: it concerns each and every one of us.
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